Signs of Heart Attack – Natural Alternatives


In order to know if you are suffering from heart attack or not, it is very important to pay attention to several signs of heart attack.


If you do not pay attention to these signals, you will be left with no alternative but to go for immediate medical assistance


Heart attack or cardiac arrest is a sudden stop in the heart rhythm caused by some problems. The sudden stoppage of the heart causes blood flow to cease within the entire body. This may even cause death within minutes, if not a couple of hours. To avoid these fatal symptoms, make sure that you keep yourself well-hydrated and also pay attention to the signs of heart attack. Do not ignore them, as they may lead to fatal consequences.


There are several symptoms that you must look for in order to make sure that you are not suffering from any type of heart trouble. Some of these symptoms include difficulty in breathing, palpitation, palpitations, dizziness, nausea, sweating, chills, numbness and tingling sensation. You need to keep in mind that the symptoms mentioned above should not be confused with one another. These symptoms may sound similar but they are not the same.


One of the biggest and most common symptoms is a pounding sound that you hear from your chest. This may be caused by some other problem as well such as the lungs becoming exhausted due to lack of oxygen. Other symptoms are the feeling of tightness in chest, shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing food, choking sensation, pain in the chest and throat. If you feel any of these symptoms, it is highly advisable that you get yourself to the nearest hospital immediately.


Heart attacks or cardiac arrests usually happens because of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Although, smoking and drinking alcohol is not necessarily bad, but drinking too much is definitely a no-no. Aside from smoking and drinking, you can also develop some heart problems from doing things like sitting at one place for a long time. Sitting all day and doing nothing can cause high blood pressure to build up in your body. If the blood pressure goes beyond a certain limit, you may experience heart attacks.


Some overweight people also tend to suffer from the problem of hypertension. There are many other risk factors that contribute to high blood pressure. If you smoke or drink, you should avoid doing these two things to prevent any complications that may occur due to the high blood pressure. If possible, do not do them at all.


Also, if you are overweight, it is advisable to have a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. to avoid being overweight. This helps in losing weight, which in turn helps in reducing the risk of having a heart attack. It is also helpful if you avoid consuming a lot of caffeine and alcohol as well. Caffeine is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


As mentioned before, healthy eating can help greatly in preventing the symptoms of heart attack


Eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables every day, drink plenty of water and get an adequate amount of exercise. Always remember to keep a daily meal schedule so that you can ensure that your body gets all the nutrients that it needs every day.


If you already have high blood pressure, you need to know that there is another option that you have besides taking medication to lower it. This option is called beta-blockers. They work by lowering your blood pressure through blocking sodium channels that are present in the arteries. It is an effective, safe, and permanent solution for your problem.


There are other alternatives to medication when you have high blood pressure. The most effective alternative to medicines and surgery is to undergo an exercise regimen. Exercise can reduce the risk of having heart attacks by more than 60%.


Many people have discovered that natural alternatives are more effective and safe than the other two. These natural remedies can be very affordable and are easy to do. You can start enjoying the benefits of healthy living by applying the tips mentioned above.

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